Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

Albert Einstein, Out of My Later Years

Despite different opinions, the astronomy is a self-consistent science. Philosophical foundations of astronomy begun in antiquity. The astronomy is the precursor of major sciences. The astronomy is the first of science which let us know that the Nature are governed by lows. Looking into the sky, the chaldeean peoples saw not a lot of random points of light, but harmony and order, all that without passing from contemplation to explanation. The annals from ancient China contain first astronomic events 1000 -1300 century BC. Cosmos for the ancient greeks means also order. The sky and episodic events are inside the major part of different religions. Marks for the measuring of time are intimately linked with the astronomical events...

Astronomy remains the science containing embryos of other sciences(mathematics, physics, ...). How many peoples know now the gnomon? Well, this stick was essential in the development of our knowledge. Few people still know how to reproduce science with this instrument... Can we do physics with a stick? If you are kidding, the answer can be: "it was the repression element of the scholastic education!". But, in fact the gnomon ask to many questions, and a good professor could propose a lot of experiments for students greedy of knowledge (and credits, of course)...

"Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating ten more" said George Bernard Show. What an optimistic person! The epistemology could answer at that type of reflection. From time to time pessimistic epistemologists organize colloquia concerning the crisis of ideas in science. Do you think that sciences become the our-day-market-product? What a brilliant scenario for the humanity!